Meet Entomologist Phil Torres

Hi, I’m Phil Torres, an entomologist. My work allows me to travel the world, studying different organisms, and keeping a keen eye on the life that’s all around us. Visian ICL allows me to keep my work in focus.

Phil Masthead Desktop

What led me to Visian ICL

My mom told me I had magic eyes as a kid and that I had this ability to just see things other people were missing. In the fifth grade, I began getting headaches and I needed glasses or something. As a biologist, there was this uncertainty that I had that what if a contact lens falls out when I'm in the wilderness? What am I going to do?

Phil poster

Phil’s day-to-day & where Visian ICL helps most.


As an entomologist I have to be able to see very small things. I study insects which sometimes can be the size of a grain of salt.

Clear headed in the field

For years I would use contacts and when I was out on the field there was this uncertainty that I had that what if a contact falls out when I’m way out remote?

Night vision

One of the things about my job is that a lot of the work happens at night. I will spend hours hiking in the rainforest with just a headlamp on my head. With Visian ICL my eyes are now clearer than ever at night.

Navigating in the rain forest

It’s pretty hard to walk around the rainforest when you can’t see. It’s the biggest thrill when you’re out there in the field and you look at something and realize that nobody else has seen this thing or discovered this.
Phil Dayto Day 1
Phil Dayto Day 2
Phil Dayto Day 3
Phil Dayto Day 4

“I had my first opportunity to put my Visian ICL eyes to the test recently in the Amazon rainforest, and it couldn’t have been more exciting to be able to spot rare species better than I have my entire life.”

As a biologist, the difference between making a new discovery can come down to how well I can see. I had my first opportunity to put my Visian ICL eyes to the test recently in the Amazon rainforest, and it couldn’t have been more exciting to be able to spot rare species seemingly better than ever. Not only was I seeing certain things for the first time ever, but I felt like I was seeing the world better than I ever had before.

Phil Questions Desktop

Questions with Phil

What do you do for a living?

I’m an entomologist, my eyes are a critical tool for the work I do as I am constantly studying these tiny organisms that are sometimes as small as a grain of salt.

How long have you had problems with your vision?

I started noticing that I needed glasses when I was in 5th grade when I started getting headaches every day. I thought it was just something I had to deal with, but later realized it was related to my vision.

What’s your biggest pain point about contacts or glasses?

When I was wearing contacts, my eyes were always so dry. It was only after Visian ICL that I realized that the irritation was from constantly having something on my eye.

What about Visian ICL helped make your decision?

One of the things that really stood out to me about Visian ICL over other procedures is the fact that it is removable [by your doctor]. There’s kind of a lot of fear with the other procedures of what if something goes wrong… you’re kind of stuck with it, but with Visian ICL the doctors assured me that this is something that is removable [if needed].

이보 ICL로 시력의 자유를 되찾을 준비가 되셨나요? 지금 내 주변에 상담 가능한 안과를 찾아보세요.

주요 안전성 정보

이보 ICL은 -0.5 디옵터 ~ -18.0 디옵터의 근시를 효과적으로 교정하고, 이보 Toric ICL은 -0.5 디옵터 ~ -18.0 디옵터의 근시를 교정함과 동시에 0.5 디옵터 ~ 6.0 디옵터의 난시를 교정합니다.

이 범위의 근시가 있는 경우, 이보 ICL 렌즈삽입술은 안경이나 콘택트 렌즈 없이 원거리 시력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 이보 ICL 렌즈삽입술은 원거리 시력을 교정하기 때문에 돋보기의 필요성이 없어지는 것은 아닙니다. 돋보기를 이전에 사용한 적이 없더라도 언젠가 필요해질 수 있습니다.

이보 ICL 렌즈삽입술은 외과적 절차이므로 잠재적으로 심각한 위험이 따를 수 있습니다. 안과 전문의와 잠재적 위험에 대해 상담하십시오. 드물기는 하지만 합병증에는 추가 수술, 염증, 각막 뒷면의 세포 손실, 안압 상승, 백내장이 포함될 수 있습니다.

다음과 같은 경우 이보 ICL 렌즈삽입술을 받지 않아야 합니다.

  • 안과 의사가 귀하의 눈 모양이 이보 ICL 렌즈삽입술에 적합하지 않다고 결정한 경우
  • 귀하가 임신 중이거나 수유 중인 경우
  • 렌즈삽입술 당시, 안과 의사가 귀하 연령대의 최소 내피세포밀도를 충족하지 않는다고 결정한 경우
  • 안과 의사가 귀하의 시력이 안정적이지 않다고 결정한 경우

이보 ICL 렌즈삽입술을 고려하기 전 눈 검사를 받고 이보 ICL 렌즈삽입술, 특히 잠재적인 장점, 위험 및 합병증에 대해 안과 전문의와 상담해야 합니다. 수술 후 회복에 필요한 시간을 상의해야 합니다. 잠재적인 장점, 위험 및 합병증에 대한 추가 정보는 홈페이지를 참조하십시오.



Home - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-030 (유효기간: 2025.02.07)

1. Gonzalo Carracedo, et al. The role of dinucleoside polyphosphates on the ocular surface and other eye structures. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2016 Nov;55:182-205. 2. Paul J Dougherty, et al. Refractive outcomes and safety of the implantable collamer lens in young low-to-moderate myopes. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017;11:273–277. 3. Gregory D. Parkhurst, et al. Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the EVO ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7);473-481. 4. Feingold et al. Biocompatible, optically transparent, ultraviolet light absorbing, polymeric material based upon collagen and method of making. USPTO June 8, 1999. 5. ICL in Treatment of Myopia (ITM) Study Group. Postoperative Inflammation after Implantation of the Implantable Contact Lens. Ophthalmology 2003;110:2335-2341. 6. Steven Schallhorn, MD et al. Night Driving Simulation in a Randomized Prospective Comparison of Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lenses and Conventional PRK for Moderate to High Myopic Astigmatism. Journal of Refractive Surgery Vol.26, No. 5, 2010:321-326 7. Gregory D Parkhurst. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2016;10:1209-1215. 8. Donald R Sanders et al. United States Food and Drug Administration Clinical Trial of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) for Moderate to High Myopia Three-Year Follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1683–1692. 9. Elena Martines-plaze, et al. Effect of the EVO + Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021;226:117-125. 10. Data on file. STAAR Surgical Annual Report.

이보 ICL이란? - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-031 (유효기간: 2025.02.07)

1. Feingold et al. Biocompatible, optically transparent, ultraviolet light absorbing, polymeric material based upon collagen and method of making. USPTO June 8, 1999. 2. ICL in Treatment of Myopia (ITM) Study Group. Postoperative Inflammation after Implantation of the Implantable Contact Lens. Ophthalmology 2003;110:2335-2341. 3. Risto J. Uusitalo, et al. Implantable contact lens for high myopia. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002(28):29-36. 4. Gregory D. Parkhurst, et al. Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the EVO ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7);473-481. 5. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24) 6. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851. 7. Steven Schallhorn, MD et al. Night Driving Simulation in a Randomized Prospective Comparison of Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lenses and Conventional PRK for Moderate to High Myopic Astigmatism. Journal of Refractive Surgery Vol.26, No. 5, 2010:321-326. 8. Gregory D Parkhurst. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2016;10:1209-1215. 9. Donald R Sanders et al. United States Food and Drug Administration Clinical Trial of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) for Moderate to High Myopia Three-Year Follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1683–1692.

이보 ICL의 장점(야간시력 개선) - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-032 (유효기간: 2025.02.07)

1. Steven Schallhorn, MD et al. Night Driving Simulation in a Randomized Prospective Comparison of Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lenses and Conventional PRK for Moderate to High Myopic Astigmatism. Journal of Refractive Surgery Vol.26, No. 5, 2010:321-326. 2. Gregory D Parkhurst. A prospective comparison of phakic collamer lenses and wavefront-optimized laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis for correction of myopia. Clinical Ophthalmology 2016;10:1209-1215. 3. Donald R Sanders et al. United States Food and Drug Administration Clinical Trial of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) for Moderate to High Myopia Three-Year Follow-up. Ophthalmology. 2004;111:1683–1692. 4. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24) 5. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851.

이보 ICL의 장점(안구건조증이 걱정되세요?) - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-033 (유효기간: 2025.02.08)

1. Gregory D. Parkhurst, et al. Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in United States Military Warfighters: A Retrospective Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes of the EVO ICL. J Refract Surg. 2011;27(7);473-481. 2. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24). 3. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851.

이보 ICL의 장점(마치 내 눈 같은 편안함) - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-029 (유효기간: 2025.02.03)

1. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24). 2. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851.

수술 과정 - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-034 (유효기간: 2025.02.03)

1. FDA. Before, During & After Surgery. (as of 2021-12-24) 2. 윤재문 외. 난시교정용 후방 유수정체 안내렌즈 삽입술의 단기간 임상성적. 대한안과학회지. 2009;50(6):839-851. 3. Elena Martines-plaze, et al. Effect of the EVO + Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021;226:117-125. 4. Data on file. STAAR Surgical Annual Report.

자주 묻는 질문 - 광고심의필: 조합-2022-04-035 (유효기간: 2025.02.03)

1. Feingold et al. Biocompatible, optically transparent, ultraviolet light absorbing, polymeric material based upon collagen and method of making. USPTO June 8, 1999. 2. ICL in Treatment of Myopia (ITM) Study Group. Postoperative Inflammation after Implantation of the Implantable Contact Lens. Ophthalmology 2003;110:2335-2341. 3. Risto J. Uusitalo, et al. Implantable contact lens for high myopia. J Cataract Refract Surg 2002(28):29-36. 4. Elena Martines-plaze, et al. Effect of the EVO + Visian Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens on Visual Performance and Quality of Vision and Life. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021;226:117-125.

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